In-Depth: Mostly positive responses to SA’s new HIV, TB and STI plan

In-Depth: Mostly positive responses to SA’s new HIV, TB and STI plan

South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs (2023 – 2028) was launched on Friday at Tlhabane Stadium in Rustenburg, North West as the world commemorated World TB Day. Nthusang Lefafa attended the event and spoke to experts and activists about the state of TB and HIV and the work that lies ahead with the new NSP.

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Editorial: How do we make an HIV and TB plan that has greater impact?

Editorial: How do we make an HIV and TB plan that has greater impact?

South Africa’s new National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB, and STIs is being developed this year. Spotlight editor Marcus Low asks what we should aim for in the new strategy and how we should go about developing it.

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In-depth: Landmark survey of key populations confirms scale of problems

In-depth: Landmark survey of key populations confirms scale of problems

People who belong to key populations, such as men who have sex with men, often report that it is difficult for them to access health services – for example, due to negative healthcare worker attitudes. Now, a large survey published last week by community healthcare monitoring group Ritshidze provides important statistics that not only confirm that such experiences are widespread but also help in pinning down some specific issues. Tiyese Jeranji reports.

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In-depth: The state of congenital syphilis in SA

In-depth: The state of congenital syphilis in SA

Over the last few years reported cases of congenital syphilis in South Africa have increased. This, accompanied by little or lack of notification, makes its management a challenge. Tiyese Jeranji reports on what congenital syphilis is, its management as well as gaps in management.

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New HIV/TB plan delayed by a year because of COVID-19

New HIV/TB plan delayed by a year because of COVID-19

South Africa will delay introducing a new HIV and TB plan until 2024, Deputy President David Mabuza revealed on Wednesday. The plan is delayed to allow the country’s HIV and TB responses to recover from COVID-19-related disruptions. Laura Lopez Gonzalez reports for Spotlight.

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Reimagining health in the Eastern Cape: As budgets shrink, it is more important than ever to strengthen primary healthcare

Reimagining health in the Eastern Cape: As budgets shrink, it is more important than ever to strengthen primary healthcare

As the final negotiations in the 2021 budget process unfold, the government of the Eastern Cape and the department of health in particular are being asked to do more with less. It is now more urgent than ever to strengthen public primary health care, argue Ektaa Deochand and Russell Rensburg.

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From the frontlines: 20 years of fighting HIV in Khayelitsha

From the frontlines: 20 years of fighting HIV in Khayelitsha

Two decades since Doctors without Borders (MSF) started its HIV programme in Khayelitsha, the organisation will start wrapping up its operations. Siyabonga Kamnqa spoke to some people living with HIV who benefitted from this programme and who now work as activists about developments over the last 20 years.

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Opinion: When civil society can’t do its work, adherence to HIV treatment dips.

Opinion: When civil society can’t do its work, adherence to HIV treatment dips.

If South Africa is forced to go into a COVID-19 lockdown again, HIV support groups and adherence clubs should remain functional to make sure that everyone is supported, has regular access to information and treatment, and that people are motivated to adhere to treatment, argue Annah Maluleke and Solanga Milambo.

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Opinion: Why fixing South Africa’s patent laws is necessary in the fight against HIV

Opinion: Why fixing South Africa’s patent laws is necessary in the fight against HIV

In 2018, Cabinet adopted a new intellectual property policy for South Africa, but as yet the policy has not led to any change in the country’s patent laws. Amending these laws as soon as possible is critical to both the COVID-19 and HIV response, argues Umunyana Rugege.

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