Fifteen years without a wheelchair – who pays?

Fifteen years without a wheelchair – who pays?

A volunteer healthcare worker tells the story of a young boy confined to his bed since he was a young child, as a result of the shortage of physiotherapists and occupational therapists in the rural Eastern Cape. This is a first-person account of the rigours of rural health care, in which it takes extraordinary effort to secure even the most basic services.

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Lifesaving programme under threat

Lifesaving programme under threat

Keiskamma Trust, an Eastern Cape based health organisation, praised around the world for its incredible community work which has saved thousands of lives, is in danger after funding cuts. Ntsiki Mpulo spent time with a community worker to give us a glimpse into the important work they do in a province where the health system is unable to deliver.

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Looking back to look forward: the next 21 years of the Constitution

Looking back to look forward: the next 21 years of the Constitution

On 10 December 2017 the Constitution Hill Trust marked the 21 years since the signing of our Constitution by holding a lekgotla in the foyer of the Constitutional Court. Present were a rare combination of judges, former judges, lawyers (past present and future), politicians, activists and school children. On a stormy Highveld afternoon, in the shadow of the Johannesburg version of the Arch for the Arch, they debated the achievements and failings of the Constitution, as well as our relationship with it. Below is an edited version of comments made by Mark Heywood, the Director of SECTION27.

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Priority-Setting, Social Justice and Human Rights in the Eastern Cape

Priority-Setting, Social Justice and Human Rights in the Eastern Cape

The stories of health care users experiences with the health system as published by Spotlight are devastating. Various factors play a role when patients’ rights are violated, such as poor planning, inadequate HR management, budget cuts, healthcare worker attitudes, medicine stock-outs, poor policy implementation, and well-intentioned policies that fail to address the rural context.

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Hospital horrors

Hospital horrors

The hospital is full. Two young girls lie on trolleys in the main hallway. They are wrapped in pink blankets; drips come out of
their arms and hang on the walls. One looks in severe agony. She calls out for a nurse again and again. heir mother tells
us that they arrived at the hospital seven hours ago and have yet to leave the hallway.

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