Analysis: What does a security guard strike reveal about the Eastern Cape Department of Health?

Analysis: What does a security guard strike reveal about the Eastern Cape Department of Health?

Security guards at healthcare facilities in Nelson Mandela Bay went on strike in January when their salaries had not been paid. During the strike, healthcare workers had to close some clinics as they feared for their safety, and patients were left stranded. Luvuyo Mehlwana reports on what happened and asked the health authorities what plans are in place to prevent similar incidents amid persistent budget constraints.

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Report raises concern over child nutrition in rural Eastern Cape

Report raises concern over child nutrition in rural Eastern Cape

Findings from a study conducted in Mqanduli in the Eastern Cape show the prevalence of stunting among children younger than five for that area was 24%. Luvuyo Mehlwana unpacks the findings and the plans the provincial health department has in place to address the risk factors driving stunting among children in the Eastern Cape.

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Analysis: Eastern Cape needs mental health services, gets mostly empty promises

Analysis: Eastern Cape needs mental health services, gets mostly empty promises

In recent years there have been various reports with damning findings on the state of mental healthcare services in the Eastern Cape. Luvuyo Mehlwana and Alicestine October assess what has and what hasn’t changed after recommendations from the Public Protector, the Health Ombud, the PSC, and the HSRC, and almost as many undertakings in response by the Eastern Cape Department of Health.

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In-depth: Dirty laundry at Eastern Cape hospitals and the plan to deal with it

In-depth: Dirty laundry at Eastern Cape hospitals and the plan to deal with it

Some staff members at Livingstone Hospital in the Eastern Cape say old laundry machines and staff shortages are creating backlogs in getting clean linen, towels, and hospital gowns to patients. Patients, in turn, say they have to sleep on bare and soiled mattresses often with no bedding or dirty linen. Luvuyo Mehlwana reports on the situation, its implications for infection control, and the province’s plans to deal with it.

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Opinion: Transparency and action urgently needed on Eastern Cape staffing challenges

Opinion: Transparency and action urgently needed on Eastern Cape staffing challenges

Shortages of doctors and nurses at hospitals in the Eastern Cape is a well-known systemic issue that creates serious challenges for access to quality healthcare. Attempts to access information on how the Provincial Department of Health is addressing or will address this have been unsuccessful, making it hard to hold the department accountable, writes Sibusisiwe Ndlela.

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What they say: Community perspectives on health services in the Eastern Cape

What they say: Community perspectives on health services in the Eastern Cape

After making damning findings on the conditions of some Eastern Cape Hospitals, the Deputy Public Protector recommended several changes the provincial health department had to implement within 60 days. The report was published on 30 June this year. Halfway through the 60 days, people still have mixed feelings about their hospital visits and the provincial health department has little to say about what they’ve done to implement the recommended changes.

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COVID-19: How vaccination numbers compare in SA’s provinces

COVID-19: How vaccination numbers compare in SA’s provinces

Over five million people in South Africa have so far received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine. Elri Voigt unpacks how the vaccination rollout is going in South Africa’s nine provinces. Though the numbers do not tell the full story and provinces face different challenges, indications are that Limpopo, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal are doing well, while Mpumalanga is struggling.

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COVID-19: A frontline view of vaccination efforts in the rural Eastern Cape

COVID-19: A frontline view of vaccination efforts in the rural Eastern Cape

By 13 June official statistics from the Department of Health showed 382 255 people 60 years and older in the Eastern Cape registered for COVID-19 vaccination. So far, 114 661 of them received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Luvuyo Mehlwana visited some rural areas to see how registration and vaccination are going.

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COVID-19 still impacting medical and traditional circumcision in the Eastern Cape

COVID-19 still impacting medical and traditional circumcision in the Eastern Cape

The COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions have disrupted both traditional male circumcisions and voluntary male circumcisions in the Eastern Cape. Luvuyo Mehlwana reports.

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COVID-19: What provinces have planned for older persons

COVID-19: What provinces have planned for older persons

Phase II of South Africa’s vaccination rollout has started. Elri Voigt unpacks how provinces will go about vaccinating those aged 60 and older.

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UPDATE: How provinces are gearing up for the launch of mass vaccination

UPDATE: How provinces are gearing up for the launch of mass vaccination

With phase two of the country’s vaccination rollout set to start on Monday, 17 May, provinces are gearing up for the largest adult vaccination push the country has ever seen. Elri Voigt provides an update on preparations for the next phase in the nine provinces and progress made in vaccinating healthcare workers through the Sisonke implementation study.

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Hope in the Eastern Cape: A doctor reflects on the turnaround at Madwaleni Hospital

Hope in the Eastern Cape: A doctor reflects on the turnaround at Madwaleni Hospital

At Madwaleni Hospital in the rural Eastern Cape, vaccinations of health workers were set to start this week. However, steering this rural hospital to this point through a global pandemic, had its challenges. Bienne Huisman spoke to one doctor about how they made it through the first and second waves of the pandemic.

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