Spotlight on NHI: Why NHI should focus on cutting costs in the private sector first
The focus of NHI needs to shift from talking about fixing the public service first, to saving money first and especially in the private sector, argues John Ashmore.
The focus of NHI needs to shift from talking about fixing the public service first, to saving money first and especially in the private sector, argues John Ashmore.
The Office of Health Products Procurement is a new entity introduced in the 2019 version of the NHI Bill. Nkululeko Conco asks what it will mean for procurement under NHI.
Government’s National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill is not the only roadmap to quality healthcare for all in South Africa. The Health Market Inquiry into the private healthcare sector report points the way toward an alternative, possibly more effective, approach.
The shortage of prompt, dependable, quality ambulance services in much of South Africa is a national crisis. Might NHI offer a solution?
The NHI train is speeding towards implementation, but it’s leaving some people behind. This makes the NHI Bill vulnerable to legal challenge.
A lack of public participation and transparency, and the Minister of Health being given too much power – Tendai Mafuma explores some key concerns with NHI’s proposed governance arrangements.
An industry talk shop reveals that it’s not universal health coverage that’s the big worry, but rather trust in the government’s ability to deliver on what it proposes in the NHI Bill.
In the nineties, the optimism of the oppressed and dispossessed was tempered by the fear of the previously advantaged of losing a way of life they had come to accept as normal. Stories of their imminent demise dominated fireside discussions.
Marcus Low takes an in-depth look at the politics of NHI, explores the concerns people have with the NHI Bill, and asks what it will take for people in South Africa to find more common ground.
Sasha Stevenson considers what has changed between the 2018 draft NHI Bill and the version released two weeks ago to see how, if at all, thinking and planning for NHI has developed.