At a recent civil society meeting jointly hosted by SECTION27 and Spotlight, Sasha Stevenson, head of health at SECTION27, presented on the implications of NHI and HMI for access to healthcare in South Africa. We now make her informative and thought-provoking presentation available as a podcast. (We apologise for the poor quality of the recording.)
Major healthcare reforms are underway in South Africa. The Competition Commission’s Health Market Inquiry (HMI) recently published a 500-page provisional report on the private healthcare market in South Africa. Draft legislation has been published for comment that will change the way private medical schemes are regulated and that will go some way to introducing a National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme. Together, these reforms are likely to leave no aspect of healthcare in South Africa untouched, including the HIV and TB response. At a recent civil society meeting jointly hosted by SECTION27 and Spotlight, Sasha Stevenson, head of health at SECTION27, presented on the implications of NHI and HMI for access to healthcare in South Africa. The sound quality of the recording is unfortunately not very good – but we decided to publish a recording of her presentation anyway given the value of the content. Should you be interested, you can find SECTION27’s submissions on both the provisional HMI report and on the NHI and Medical Schemes Bills on their website ( For extensive comment and analysis of NHI in particular, see our website at

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