The SADMON Files 4: Autopsy of the Phila communications campaign

The SADMON Files 4: Autopsy of the Phila communications campaign

In 2015 Sadmon Projects and Consulting was awarded a three-year, R352 million communications contract by the Department of Health. Spotlight analysis of reports Sadmon submitted to the department (obtained through a Promotion of Access to Information Act request) paint a worrying picture of multiple delays and constant miscommunication – all while the bills for the public purse keep mounting up.

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The SADMON Files 3: Red Ribbon or red flag?

The SADMON Files 3: Red Ribbon or red flag?

In 2015 Sadmon Projects and Consulting was awarded a three-year, R352 million communications contract by the Department of Health. An essential part of the contract was the oversight, management and stock control at the Department’s Red Ribbon Resource Centre (RRRC) where the National Department of Health’s condoms, branding and communication materials are warehoused. 

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The SADMON Files 2: How not to manage a government contract

The SADMON Files 2: How not to manage a government contract

In 2015 Sadmon Projects and Consulting was awarded a three-year, R352 million communications contract by the Department of Health. Documents obtained by Spotlight through a PAIA show an astonishingly dysfunctional relationship between Sadmon and the department.
The monthly progress reports submitted by Sadmon are studded with incidences of frustration and finger pointing and Sadmon does not come across as the innovative, mass media communication (and project management) experts they profess to be.

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The SADMON files 1: Government pushed R352m to controversial communications company

The SADMON files 1: Government pushed R352m to controversial communications company

In 2017 Spotlight lodged a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) application for all documents relating to a R352-m health department communications tender. The aim was to understand how this bid was granted, what monies were paid to Sadmon and what was delivered in return. Our five-part investigation (this is part 1) provides an unprecedented perspective on one of South Africa’s most critical communication projects, and a unique insight into the interface between a service provider and government. It is not a pretty picture.

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