COVID-19 Report 7: Life-saving drug is good news, but no time to pop champagne
This is issue 7 of COVID-19 Report. We point you to the latest quality science on the pandemic.
This is issue 7 of COVID-19 Report. We point you to the latest quality science on the pandemic.
EDITORIAL: That the wave of infections and deaths is growing and will soon break over us is inevitable. There are no silver bullets that can make it all go away, certainly no quick fixes to hope for from a largely incapacitated state and a public healthcare system that was already in crisis prior to the pandemic.
This is issue 6 of COVID-19 Report. We point you to the latest quality science on the pandemic. Are schools safe? Hydroxychloroquine does not prevent COVID-19 and much more can be found in this issue.
The substantial relaxation of South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown measures from today was probably both inevitable and the right decision. But with ICU capacity in the Western Cape already stretched, and infections in the province rising rapidly, one or two measures may need to be reconsidered, argues Marcus Low.
What the models predict about COVID-19. But beware – soothsaying has a checkered history.