Episode 6: Justice Edwin Cameron addresses the TAC 20-year celebrations

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Justice Edwin Cameron of South Africa’s Constitutional Court recently addressed attendees at the TAC’s 20-year celebrations. We bring you a
recording of what he had to say to TAC members, supporters and allies.
Episode 5: Dr Fareed Abdullah on South Africa’s AIDS response

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Dr Fareed Abdullah of the SA MRC, previously CEO of SANAC, recently addressed the TAC’s 20-year celebrations. Listen what he had to say about the history of South Africa’s AIDS response and where we are now.
Episode 4: Marijuana, health and the law in South Africa

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Host Nomatter Ndebele chats to Dr Michael Herbst of the Cancer Association of South Africa about the landmark Constitutional Court judgement on the possession and use of marijuana and the judgement’s implications for the health of people in South Africa.